What Is GIDP In Baseball?

A GIDP, or Grounded into Double Play, is a common occurrence in baseball where a batter hits a ground ball, and the defense successfully turns it into a double play. For a GIDP to happen, there needs to be at least one player on base and less than two outs when the batter is up to bat. 

In Major League Baseball (MLB), the players who have the most GIDPs are often those who frequently hit ground balls but are not particularly fast runners compared to their teammates. These players may be more known for their ability to hit powerful shots rather than their speed, and as a result, they may also have a high number of home runs.

When Does Double Play Occur?

A double play can happen under certain conditions. It can occur as long as there are fewer than two outs and at least one runner on base. However, if there are already two outs, the defensive team cannot execute a double play because the inning would end immediately after recording an out. In order for a double play to be possible, there must be at least one runner on base, as the defensive team needs to get two players out – the batter and one of the runners. 

It is worth noting that although double plays often involve the batter getting out, it is not necessary if there are already two runners on base. For instance, if the batter hits a ground ball, resulting in two runners getting out, but the batter safely reaches first base, it is still considered a double play.

Also see: What is a 543 Triple Play.

When Does GIDP Happen? 

A GIDP can occur at any time during a baseball game as long as there are fewer than two outs and at least one runner on base. However, it is most likely to happen when there is a force play in order. A force play occurs when a runner is required to advance bases and is in effect when there is a runner at first base, runners at first and second base, or runners at first, second, and third base. 

In a force play, the defensive team only needs to touch the base while holding the ball to record an out without needing to tag the runner. It is easier to achieve a double play when a force play is in order because the defensive team has more time to get both runners out on the same play without having to wait to tag the runner.

Types of Double Play

There are numerous variations in which a batter can ground into a double play. Nevertheless, certain types of GIDP are more prevalent than others, such as the 6-4-3, 4-6-3, 5-4-3, and 5-6-3. In baseball, plays are recorded by indicating the players who made contact with the ball and the sequence in which they did so. The numbers 1 to 9 are assigned to represent the nine defensive positions on the field.



First Base-3

Second Base-4

Third Base-5


Left Field-7

Center Field-8

Right Field-9

Hence, a 4-6-3 GIDP refers to the sequence where the second baseman receives the ball and throws it to the shortstop, who then throws it to the first baseman. Each of these three players makes contact with the ball, and as a result, they are each recognized for their contribution to completing the double play. 

Which Type Of GIDP Is The Most Common?

The majority of GIDPs occur when there are two force outs, allowing the defense to simply touch the bases to secure the outs instead of directly tagging the players. An illustration of this is the 6-4-3 double play, which is among the most commonly executed double plays. 

In this particular double play, the shortstop (6) fields the ball and throws it to the second baseman (4) to secure the first out, followed by a throw to the first baseman (3) to retire the batter. Due to the high frequency of this series of events resulting in two outs, baseball enthusiasts sometimes represent it as 6+4+3=2.

What Is The Rarest Double Play In Baseball?

The 3-2-8 double play is considered to be one of the rarest double plays in baseball. This particular play occurs when the first baseman (3) fields the ball and throws it to the catcher (2), who then gets the first out. Following that, the catcher throws the ball to the centerfielder (8), who secures the second out. 

On August 28, 2020, during a game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cleveland Indians, the Cardinals successfully executed a 3-2-8 double play. This marked the first occurrence of this specific type of double play in the MLB’s expansion era, which began in 1961. When evaluating pitchers, it is important to note that GIDPs (Grounded into Double Plays) are attributed to the batter, not the pitcher. 

However, pitchers can still be assessed based on how many times they induce a batter to hit a ground ball, resulting in a double play. The type of pitch chosen by a pitcher and their ability to execute that pitch greatly influence the likelihood of a ground into double play. GIDPs are advantageous for the defense as they swiftly secure two outs. Therefore, pitchers who can effectively induce a ground into double play are highly valuable to their team.

Which Player Holds The Record For The Most Career Gidps In Baseball? 

First baseman Albert Pujols, known more for his power than speed, has grounded into a double play 426 times throughout his career. Following closely behind is Miguel Cabrera, with a total of 356 GIDPs. 

Here is a list of the top ten players with the most career GIDPs, along with the teams they are most associated with: 

  1. Albert Pujols: 426 — St. Louis Cardinals, Los Angeles Angels 
  2. Miguel Cabrera: 356 — Florida Marlins, Detroit Tigers 
  3. Cal Ripken Jr.: 350 — Baltimore Orioles 
  4. Ivan Rodriguez: 337 — Texas Rangers, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees 
  5. Hank Aaron: 328 — Milwaukee / Atlanta Braves 
  6. Carl Yastrzemski: 323 — Boston Red Sox 
  7. Dave Winfield: 319 — San Diego Padres, New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins 
  8. Eddie Murray: 315 — Baltimore Orioles, New York Mets, Cleveland Indians 
  9. Jim Rice: 315 — Boston Red Sox 
  10. Julio Franco: 312 — Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago White Sox, Atlanta Braves

Conclusion for What Is GIDP In Baseball?

GIDPs bring a great deal of thrill to each baseball match. Delighted players swiftly move across the field with joy, and the entire stadium erupts into boisterous cheers whenever a ground-into-double play is accomplished. Having a grasp of various playing scenarios can enhance the enjoyment and intrigue of watching baseball. We trust that this article has provided you with a comprehensive explanation and ample examples to answer your query, “What is ground into double play in baseball?”

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